Southwest Regional Communications Center

We're Here to Answer Your Call

Dial 911 to request emergency police, fire, or ambulance. Providing accurate, complete information is critical when you call 911. Try to remain calm. Speak slowly and clearly. When calling 911, your location is the most important aspect of your call. Always be aware of your surroundings in the region as well as landmarks that may assist in finding your location.

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Southwest Regional Communications Center

The Southwest Regional Communications Center (SWRCC) is a regional emergency 911 Center located at 200 S. Parks Drive. In 1998, the tri-cities dispatch centers were combined to provide the most efficient and professional level of service to the communities in the event of an emergency.




Our Cities

About Southwest Regional Communications Center

SWRCC proudly serves and dispatches emergency and non-emergency police, fire, EMS & Animal Control for Cedar Hill, Desoto, and Duncanville, TX.

The SWRCC is located at 200 S. Parks Drive in DeSoto, which is the former location of the DeSoto Police Department. This relatively non-descript, compact building provides the perfect environment required to support the specialized mission of the SWRCC.

The Formation of the SWRCC

In 1998 the city managers of DeSoto, Cedar Hill, and Duncanville came together to discuss the idea of pooling their public safety resources in an effort to reduce their operational costs. One idea that evolved was what we now know as the Southwest Regional Communications Center.

A year later the Southwest Regional Communications Center opened for business and the grand adventure began. There are many reasons why this partnership has been a good idea for its members. One is that these cities are approximately the same size and share similar socioeconomic demographics. They also share similar philosophies regarding public safety service delivery.

Another strong reason for this partnership is that each of these cities hold the distinction of being Home Rule cities. In 911 language a Home Rule city provides its citizens 911 services rather than passing this task to a political sub-division such as a 911 district.

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Important Contact Information

Cedar Hill Police Department
285 Uptown Blvd., Bldg 200
Cedar Hill, TX 75104
Phone: 972-291-5181

DeSoto Police Department
714 E. Beltline Road
DeSoto, TX 75115
Phone: 469-658-3000

Duncanville Police Department
203 E. Wheatland
Duncanville, TX 75116
Phone: 972-780-5000